Mitchell’s Third Party Liability Solutions are designed to optimize the third party claims handling workflow; bringing your adjusters the investigation, injury, liability and negotiation information they need, exactly when they need it, so they can settle claims accurately, efficiently and consistently. Our end-to-end solutions can help arm your adjusters—regardless of experience—with the tools and information they need to make more accurate settlements on each and every claim.
We understand that no two claims, nor two workflows, are exactly alike. Which is why our solutions can be accessed on a plug-and-play basis or an end-to-end solution—depending on your specific needs.
In this podcast, Norman Tyrrell, vice president of product management for Mitchell Casualty Solutions Group, discusses major trends in third party claims and how they’re impacting our industry.
Technology Enabled Services combine our best-in-class bill review and claims technology with our extensive expertise in process execution. The result is superior outcomes for our clients. Our Technology Enabled Services provide end-to-end document processing, bill review and specialty services with speed and accuracy, returning exceptional value to our clients’ business.
Give your adjusters the tools to improve payment consistency and savings on bills that are typically paid to providers without review for accuracy. By utilizing our Third Party Auto Network and Provider Negotiations Solution, carriers can free up adjusters time to focus on claim settlement while securing savings on these bills.
Whether a provider is in our network or not, we negotiate with them on your behalf, our Third Party Auto Network and Provider Negotiations Solution ensures you don’t pay more than you should. Using the industry’s largest directly contracted Auto Network together with our expert negotiators helps settle your unrepresented claims accurately, consistently, efficiently and quickly.
A comprehensive claim evaluation tool that helps arm your adjusters—regardless of experience—with the information needed to make more accurate settlements on each and every claim. Through a streamlined workflow and integrated environment, ClaimIQ improves evaluation accuracy and consistency, and helps reduce litigation—improving claims efficiency and handling expertise.
There are times when you may just need a review of medical bills and times that call for a comprehensive nurse review. Whether it is simple or complicated, or something in between, we have options to get you exactly what you need.
Simplify the decision-making process with a cloud-based workspace for adjusters to make it easier to submit requests and get a full picture of injuries and treatments related to a claim.
Easily drill down into your organization's data on demand, deriving actionable insights and more effectively and efficiently answering business questions for your organization.
Navigating the road ahead requires a holistic view with deep expertise. Read our 2022 report for one-of-a-kind insight about how inflation, staffing, supply chains and more are affecting our industry.